Karlos Kukulcan
The Teachings of Quetzalcoatl
My interest is in both contemporary and shamanic methods of healing and I am particularly influenced in my approach by transpersonal psychology, sacred geometry, herbalism, mysticism and mythology. My own initiatory journey into the art of Future Self Dreaming has been signposted by synchronicity and guided by the light of the Morning Star (Venus). In the process of training to become a facilitator of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School, known as the "Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life", I received a myriad of initiatory experiences that largely involved the awakening of Kundalini, a process also known as the activation of the rainbow serpent light body. This practice is known in Mayan/Toltec/Aztec lineages as the teachings of the plumed serpent, known as Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan.
Although the process of Kundalini activation ultimately awakens deeper awareness of, and connection to our spiritual selves, it also initiates the process of clearing energetic blockages within our mental, emotion, physical and subtle energy bodies, which may be stifling our access to the wisdom of our higher self. These blockages may manifest themselves as challenging experiences in a variety of areas within our lives, and may initiate a period of spiritual emergency or crisis that is often referred to as a dark night of the soul.
Assisting people to navigate and integrate the effects of awakening this life force energy within the body is what I am most passionate about. As the deconstruction of previous identity unfolds, the individual's future self dreaming is weaved into their way of being in the world.
For those interested in this domain of human consciousness, more information related to the topic of Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence will be outlined throughout online presentations and may be developed further in private counselling sessions and group workshop events.
Post Graduate Diploma of Counselling - Australian College of Applied Psychology
Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming
Master Practitioner of Eriksonian Hypnosis
Certificate IV in Youth Work
Sacred Geometry Workshop Facilitator: Previous Ambassador for: "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" & "The Template - A Holonomic Model of Transcendence"
Hawaiian Kahuna Bodywork
Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy